Features in Details:

Inventory Control

Item Identification
Item Definition Management
Item allows
Special definition
Expiry date
Special warehouse
Code and Barcode Management:
From multi choices of barcode generator, you can generate your own barcode and all of its information directly from system.
You can print specific purchase slip.
Item SOH in any warehouse.
Specific group of item.
Manual choice of item.
ET items types
Services items
SP items
CL items
CR items
IC items
FA items
Warehouses Management
Parents and Child warehouses
Warehouses group
Warehouse accounts
WHS/Movement types accounts

Movement Scenarios
Purchase Scenario
Direct supplier purchase
Import purchase
Purchase order purchase
Sales scenario
Retail sales
Direct client sales
Sales order
Other scenarios
Working with projects
Working with production
Working with outsource
Working with fixed assets
Working with maintenance
Pending transactions management
Pending sales order
Pending free invoice
Pending transfer order
Pending transfer out order
Pending free ticket
Pending purchase
SOH (Stock on hand) Evaluation Management
User Evaluation (Free hand)
Promotion evaluation
Cost evaluation
Sales price/cost evaluation
Item cycle evaluation *
Item turnover evaluation
Others Features:
Connecting with others Software

Hardware applications
Software applications.