Large Retail & Wholesale Package

EGP66,000.00 + VAT

If you run major company with retail shops and manage wholesale dealing with clients at the same time, we offer you the wholesale and retail package.

The package consists of five modules, and they are as follows: –

Point of Sale “POS”: To manage retail outlets and issue sales receipts to retail customers.     click here

Inventory Module: designed to manage your items sold in your retail and control the balance and quantities, in addition to their barcoding.                        click here

Clients: To manage Clients’ accounts and all your financial dealings with them.                           click here

Cash and Bank: To manage the treasury, cash and financial collections from clients.                click here

E-Invoice: To send the sales invoices issued by the Clients Module to ETA’s E-invoice system instantly.     click here

E-Ticket: to send the sales receipts issued by the P.O.S Module to ETA’s E-Ticket system directly and instantly.      click here

Retail & Wholesale with E-Ticket & E-Invoice services (+EGP36,000.00)

The Package already comes with 1 POS user + 1 Clients and Collection user + 1 Inventory control including cloud hosting service (paid yearly) + E-Invoice & E-Ticket

Installation & Implementation 30,000 EGP

paid once for 2 days installation & implementation 6 session training

Purchase this product now and earn 66,000 Points!



Through KASH Wholesale + E-Invoice Package, you can:

  • Control client items pricing by using an infinity no of price list with Multi currency.
  • Control discount for client by using discount privilege and promotions.
  • Control invoices balances by using invoice disturb
  • Control target period discount (as a fixed value, as a percent
  • of invoice value, as a percent of specific items in a certain invoice).
  • Have a warning about repeating discounts in same period.
  • Catch late payment invoices, late issued invoices
  • Statement of account for clients in different views compatible with each company accounting point of view and sales point of view
  • Client balances in different periods with different currency
  • Send sales invoices to the E-Invoice system automatically and instantly
  • The Feature links the E-Signature to sales invoices.
  • You have the ability to check up the status of the invoice (accepted – rejected) with the rejection reasons mentioned via check Status feature.
  • Track sales information
    1. Yearly, monthly, daily items net sales
    2. invoices aging period
    3. Sales comparing periods (in different years)
    4. Sales analysis profit and loss
    5. Client sales category (classify client groups in a period by net sales)
  • The ability to work on it through touch screens, various barcode devices, and printers of all sizes and types
  • Speed, accuracy and complete flexibility in completing sales invoices and making discounts.
  • Possibility to add discounts to items or combined invoices
  • The possibility of making the authority of adding the discount to (username and password)
  • Possibility to suspend bills and create other bills
  • The ability to retrieve invoices and issue them again.
  • The ability to search for the item by code or by names
  • The ability to create petty cash from the cashier screen and settle it
  • The possibility of defining special powers for the tasks of each cashier.
  • The ability to make seasonal offers and discounts for items
  • The ability to search for available stock items in raw materials, color and item sales.
  • The ability to view the prices of the various items, the various discounts on them, the tax and the net price of the item.
  • Connecting the cashier to his warehouse, in order to link the cashier’s movements directly to this store, and also linking each cashier to his own treasury.
  • Full control over the entry of items and their quantities in invoices
  • The possibility of payment by different payment methods (cash – credit cards – term)
  • The possibility of clearing the treasury at the end of the shift and printing a report detailing sales and payment operations
  • The possibility of opening the return screen through the billing screen by pressing the return button
  • The possibility of linking the returns to the same store or not, as desired
  • The possibility of linking the return to the same method of payment or not, as desired
  • The possibility of linking the return to the invoice with specifying the number of days to return the item
  • A comprehensive reporting system for all invoices, the most important of which is a comprehensive report to the treasury with all that has been added to it or withdrawn and the net remaining in it.
  • It sends sales receipts to E-Ticket system automatically and instantly.
  • You are able to follow up the status of the receipt after sending (acceptable – rejected) with the rejection reasons mentioned via check Status feature.


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